Projects in progress
Book Project on the ‘Self-fulfilling Prophecy’
of the Global War on Terror
Book Project
In 2018, my book proposal was one of two winners in the Center For A Public Anthropology International Competition. As a result, I will be writing a book about how the Global War on Terror (GWOT) has facilitated a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ in autocratic states as those states have actively repressed domestic opposition groups by labeling them as terrorists. In many cases, this has both bolstered the power of these regimes and helped to create more ‘terrorists’ for GWOT to fight. This book will build on the argument of my soon-to-be-published book, The War on the Uyghurs, but it will represent a comparative study. that includes the Uyghurs of China, the Tajiks of Tajikistan, the Uzbeks of Uzbekistan, and the Chechens of Russia. You can review my initial book proposal via the button below.